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Gum rejuvenation Surgical Technique as an alternative to conventional gum grafting which is a very invasive procedure for receding gums. This Pinhole technique moves the gum tissues, but unlike gum grafting it requires no incisions and no stitches. This makes the procedure almost pain free and no recovery time is needed, which means patients will be able to speak and eat normally almost immediately.

It is vital that you examine your gums daily. You may have noticed that your teeth are longer than normal after looking in the bathroom mirror. This is usually a strong indication that you have gum recession. Periodontal disease, aggressive brushing, or habitual tooth grinding can cause gum recession. Dental specialists know that this is a major problem that must be addressed promptly. Gum recession can lead to more serious dental issues, such as the loss of teeth.

How is Technique Performed?

PST is basically a series of small adjustments made to the gum tissue, which can result in significant improvement in the health and appearance of the gum line. During PST, our team first uses a needle to make a tiny hole in the affected gum tissue. Through the small pinhole, he uses specialised instruments (designed by Specialist) to gently loosen, expand, and lift the section of tissue to a more elevated position that covers the exposed portion of the tooth root. When the recessed gums are corrected, tiny collagen strips are placed inside to help stabilise the gums. The process is repeated until comprehensive gum rejuvenation has been achieved. No sutures are required to hold the gum-line in its new position. IMAGINE

The pinhole heals quickly and often overnight.



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